
The Magic Money Machine

Imagine there is a magic machine- bright, colorful, lit-up, and blinking with an alluring glow. Pretend you walk over to the machine, take a dollar out of your pocket, and put it into the machine. The machine spits out two dollars. The dollars come whizzing out so fast at you, that you duck quickly. “Did that really just happen?” you think to yourself. “No, it must have been a mistake.” You cautiously approach the machine again, clutching one of the dollars that just flew out at you. You put the dollar in the machine, and again- WHIZZ! Two more dollars come flying at your head! Excitedly, you place another dollar in the machine and another and another. Every time you put a dollar in, two dollars are released. With a huge grin, you collect your bounty and return to your desk back at the law practice. You notice that the pile of work on your desk is suddenly half as tall as it was when you left. “What is going on?” you say out loud to no one. Lawyers- this may sound like fiction, but IT’S REAL! Check out the following video to learn more about YOUR PERSONAL MAGIC MONEY MACHINE!!